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The Most Important Factor to Consider When Outsourcing Event Security

, , | February 18, 2016 | By

Do you outsource event security for your property?

If not, have you considered doing it this year?

It might be a good time to consider doing so, especially with the increased number of global terrorist threats.

Running your operation, and then having to worry about developing an effective security operation, only leads to stress.

Not to mention, it can open the door to errors and incidents slipping through the cracks.

Does that sound like ‘peace of mind’ to you?

Taking on more stress is unnecessary when there are several professional security companies available for outsourcing.

Many of them offer a great service and have the experience to back it up.

Paul Steinbach’s recent Athletic Business article Outsourcing Event Security Brings Challenges, Advantages  talks about this trend. In this article, Lou Marciani, director of the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4), states at least 65 percent of NCAA schools contract their gameday security, and Lou expects the outsourcing trend to continue. “It's moving in that direction," says Marciani.

This data shows many properties are seeing the value of hiring a professional in the field of event security.

OK, you may decide to follow trend and look to outsource your event security operation.

The next step is to define your selection criteria, right?

You want a professional company keeping your guests and ancillary staff safe. You want a trusted member of the industry running your event security.

That’s fair and most important, it should be a nonnegotiable.

You need to have guidelines defined when outsourcing your event security to a professional.

Paul helps you out with that in his article. Here are four factors to consider when outsourcing and selecting your event security provider:

  1. Verify how the company is going to recruit the required number of employees for your facility.
  2. Determine whether the company completes background checks and drug tests on all employees at the time of hire and regularly thereafter.
  3. Have a clear understanding of the company's training program, including how many hours of training each employee will receive prior to assignment to your facility and the company's ability to track employee training compliance.
  4. Contact the company's references to verify past performance.

These are great. You should consider each point when making your selection.

But, we’re proponents of technology, and although we’re biased to advanced technology – your event security provider should be too.

If they’re moving in the right direction they’ll agree with us. You want a security company on the cutting edge of technology in the field.

Whether the provider has progressive technology in place, is the most important factor you should consider when outsourcing event security.

Here’s why.

Having the right technology in place will allow your provider to:

  • Build an infrastructure;
  • Define and implement specific protocols to handle;
  • Purposely train employees;
  • Ensure efficient, effective, and expeditious execution of procedures and protocols to handle;
  • Track accountability/compliance of staff;
  • Maximize effectiveness through reports and analysis;
  • Prove their performance to you;

And, not to mention…

If the company is using modernized technology to run your event security, you can be certain they’ll have a compelling list of references with positive comments on performance.

By now, you’re probably wondering what technology to look out for.

The major solutions a professional event security company should be using are:

  • Text Communication
  • Incident Management System
  • Incident Management Mobile Apps

Keep reading, because we’re going to give you a synopsis of what to look for in each.

Text Communication Helps Mitigate Incidents as They Happen

A good way to increase awareness is to implement text communication.

It’s a useful medium for guests to report important issues and to inform event security staff of any suspicious activity.

It’s also a great solution for guests to have a two-way conversation with need-to-know security staff members in the command center.

Text communication helps prevent vital issues and incidents from going unnoticed or unreported.

Imagine having hundreds or thousands of eyes on the lookout. The value is endless and as a result of this system, your whole team looks good because your event security is running smoothly.

Event staff doesn’t need to search for a supervisor or stress over handling major incidents alone. Your guests contribute to the safety of everyone with this solution in place.

Your guests are a part of the front line, so why not give them the ability to impact everyone’s experience?

(If you’d like to learn some more about the value of text communication, check out our text communication eBook here.)

An Incident Management System Ensures Nothing Slips Through the Cracks

When people come together in a confined space, incidents will occur.

An incident management system allows your event security company to organize their operation. They can handle what happens in the most professional manner possible.

Think of it as a digital, centralized repository for all of your property’s incidents inclusive of their associated information.

Having digital information not only allows your event security company to protect themselves, it gives you the ammo to defend your property in court as well.

They can use the functionality of an incident management system to communicate updates and details of incidents or issues to the right people on their team.

That means they can turn on useful automation at your property.

Consider a confrontation that escalates into a fight, and the fight turns into a full on brawl. This leads to medical issues and additional stress for you and mobile risk managers.

An incident management system helps mitigate this type of scenario before it turns into a big mess for your event security team – and most important – your guests!

With these systems, event security can put groups together to inform specific individuals by text, email, and mobile applications of certain incident types. They instantly inform their team…and yours.

The key here is that although your event security is being outsourced, you’re still able to work as one fluid team.

Doing this helps everyone efficiently, effectively, and expeditiously respond to incidents and issues according to your incident management process.

All internal departments and security staff are in close communication, awareness is at an all-time high, and the information is being accurately documented.

Now, your security company is able to analyze and use the data to ensure your next event is even better.

(If you’d like to learn some more about the value of an incident management system, check out our incident management system eBook here.)

Incident Management Mobile Apps Optimize Performance

Incident management mobile apps are loaded with powerful functionality and exist for both mobile handheld devices and tablets.

They have a number of benefits, but because incident management mobile apps allow frontline security staff to report issues and incidents without having to track down their supervisor they are invaluable.

Mobile supervisors and even your risk management team can use tablet applications to document vital on-scene details of an incident on-the-fly.

Consider this value. Does liability protection ring a bell?

Incident management mobile apps keep your incidents honest.

Here’s what we mean…

How quickly would someone’s story change from a lie to the truth when they see your security team collecting video, audio, and witness statements of what actually took place during an incident?

Remember the confrontation that turned into a brawl above? That’s potential to become a serious legal case.

So many moving parts. Too many stories.

Ask for signatures to verify everyone’s story – now you’re covered. At this point, we usually say, “Case closed!”

Now that’s peace of mind!

Over to You

Increases in terror threats and events demand the need for professional security – more than ever. As a professional leader, it’s your duty to ensure the safety of your guests and staff.

All of the people you’re charged with protecting need you to make smart choices. Outsourcing event security to a first-class company that uses next generation technology is a good start.

So, do you agree that outsourcing event security to a company that uses progressive technology is the most important factor to consider when making your selection?

Download our free eBook about text communication software


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