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Proactive Operations Prepare for New Threats

, | October 20, 2016 | By

According to a recent article in The New York Times, written by Michael S. Schmidt and Eric Schmitt, ISIS has advanced their terrorist tactics by using drones as weapons.

“In the last month, the Islamic State has tried to use small drones to launch attacks at least two other times, prompting American commanders in Iraq to issue a warning to forces fighting the group to treat any type of small flying aircraft as a potential explosive device.”

Schmidt and Schmitt’s article continues that, “The Islamic State has used surveillance drones on the battlefield for some time, but the attacks — all targeting Iraqi troops — have highlighted its success in adapting readily accessible technology into a potentially effective new weapon. American advisers say drones could be deployed against coalition forces by the terrorist group in the battle in Mosul.”

Pentagon Confronts Exploding Drones

Although you currently might not be faced with the threat of drones on such a scale, we deemed it vital to address this advancement.

New threats emerge.

They enter your environment and continue to advance. This progression is ever-changing. It requires operations to prepare and stay ahead.

According to the article, “Military officials said that the Pentagon has dedicated significant resources to stopping drones, but that few Iraqi and Kurdish units have been provided with the sophisticated devices that the American troops have to disarm them. The officials said they have ordered the Pentagon agency in charge of dealing with explosive devices — known as the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization — to study ways to thwart hostile drones. This summer, the Pentagon requested an additional $20 million from Congress to help address the problem.”

The Pentagon is taking this threat ‘head on.’

They understand their objective is to prepare, prevent, and eliminate the threat. But, there’s no real resolution, yet.

Is your property ready for what’s coming? How do you prepare for the changing threat landscape?

Preparation Increases Awareness

Proactive Operations is robust.

From strategy to infrastructure to technology, there’s some facets to examine and several processes to implement.

But, today we’re not here to delve into all of that.

After reviewing The New York Times article, we identified a particular topic to address today, a critical one – awareness.

Of course putting Proactive Operations in place is important. But, after reading our article on it here, you already know that.

Once you etch a proactive mindset into your operation, preparation becomes natural.

Preparing will lead to increased awareness because you’ve spent the time to address your strategy and follow a disciplined process.

To begin, you’ll scrutinize the ‘A’ in the ACDA Principle™, which is awareness.

What is ‘Awareness’?

According to Google, it’s “knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.”

This definition is interesting. Why?

Because it is knowledge and perception, that can lead to increased awareness for proactive operations.

If a drone flies in front of your face, you’re aware of its presence. If you aren’t conscious of the drone until this point, you’re already behind.

But, proactive operations can stay ahead of the threat because they prepare.

You can develop your knowledge and perception. Your ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through understanding and the senses becomes enhanced.

So, what does this mean?

It means that through various channels – like the ones below – you’re improving your readiness for what’s coming.

  • Training & Tabletop Exercises
  • Modernized Technology
  • Proper Resource Allocation

All of these prepare you and increase your awareness of threats, especially ones that fly.

You’ll know what to look and listen for at all times. You’ll also know what measures to take when necessary and how to mitigate or eliminate the threat.

How does your ‘awareness’ match up? Can your property’s operation take threats ‘head on’?

Bonus: Technology Supplements Preparation

OK, we fibbed a bit.

We have to make recommendations for the type of technology to use. You must supplement preparation to increase awareness.

You know this; situational awareness is the key to effectiveness. Know what’s going on, and do it in real time using top-notch software.

  1. Text Communication
  2. Incident Management System (IMS)
  3. Incident Management Mobile Apps

Text Communication

Your goal must be to include both guests and staff in the protection of your property. This effort is accomplished using text communication.

This solution gives your guests a tool to report – for example – drone sightings. Once spotted, they can send a text message to your command center, inclusive of pictures, videos, and the details of the situation.

We say it all the time – you’re now giving thousands of eyes the ability to contribute to the safety of everyone.

Incident Management System (IMS)

It’s time to internalize the awareness, which means you need your incident management software to join in.

From your command center, the drone report is passed from your text messaging system to your IMS.

Once entered into this system, the incident is dispatched to all need-to-know people.

Your teams will know in real time what’s happening with this incident, from ‘on-scene’ to ‘close.’

Incident Management Mobile Apps

With the advent of sophisticated Wi-Fi infrastructure amongst properties, hand-held mobile devices are changing the game of efficiency.

Your awareness skyrockets, whether an incident is reported from frontline staff or emergency response teams receiving high-priority incident notifications on their device.

No time is wasted. Your team knows what’s happening, when and where. The communication is instant, and your ability to respond is fluid.

Always be alert and ready for the next threat to your property.

Over to You

Criminals advance their methods continuously. This evolution requires you to prepare.

Please don’t take preparation lightly.

Be proactive, and you might be astonished by the other areas of your operation that improve besides your awareness.

Ask yourself, how ready is your operation to confront new threats?

Learn how to employ Proactive Operations using strategy, infrastructure & technology.

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