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How to Win at Your Next “National Championship” Event

, , , | January 7, 2016 | By

Glendale, Arizona is heating up Monday – and it has nothing to do with the weather.

January 11th is the College Football Playoff National Championship hosted at University of Phoenix Stadium.

Alabama and Clemson will face off with the intention of taking home the prized national championship trophy.

Memories will be made. Emotions will run high. Security will be heightened.

We’re confident this will be a seamless event, though, especially at the stadium.


University of Phoenix Stadium is one of our well-prepared, well-organized, and highly proactive clients.

We’re confident that they’re ready for their “National Championship” event.

Are you?

If your answer is a resounding “Yes,” that’s what we like to hear. If you’re on the fence or you know for a fact your operation is lacking – keep reading.

Today, we’re going to give you four much-needed pointers on how to win at your next “National Championship” event.

Ready to win? Let’s get started.

Embracing the ACDA Principle Leads to Winning Operations

You might already be familiar with the Principle. (If not, read this article here.)

It’s something our clients understand and embrace for their operation because they are the ones that actually created it.

Yes, the ACDA Principle™ came from the extensive conversations, research and discovery over the years from working with industry experts like yourself.

Now is the time for you to take advantage of the ACDA Principle™ so your operation can win at the next event – big or small.

The Principle consists of four areas:

  1. Awareness
  2. Communication
  3. Documentation
  4. Analysis

Many operations have a deficit.

Many have one aspect covered or even three, but not all.

Let’s change that for you today so you can have a winning operation like University of Phoenix Stadium.

A “National Championship” Power Couple

Awareness, communication, documentation, and analysis won’t appear in your operation overnight.

You won’t be able to simply tweak a few checklists, improve a couple of processes, fire a problem employee – and poof your operation is first-class!

That’s not going to happen.

If you plan to boost your operation and turn it into a ‘winning’ one, you’ll need to couple the Principle with software solutions. Pure and simple.

Toss your legacy system in the trash. It’s time to run a “National Championship” event using the ACDA Principle™ and progressive solutions.

To get started, we’re going to show you how this is done to increase awareness.

Being Fully Aware Means Nothing Slips Through the Cracks

Full awareness gives you and your staff the ability to respond to incidents in less time.

Your team becomes proactive, rather than reactive. You know what you can expect and how to take care of it.

This lets you take care of your other responsibilities, especially during the busiest times.

Text communication is a great solution to consider implementing at your property.

Provide a text solution for your guests to instantly and discreetly report issues to your command center.

(Need some ideas on setting up your front and back of house operations? Check out this article.)

It’s also useful for your staff that don’t have radios.

This is a smart solution many operations have quickly adopted to avoid future incidents from going undetected.

When you have awareness like this, nothing slips through the cracks anymore.

Using text communication software at your property can lead to championship type events – and happy guests.

Think about the power of having hundreds or even thousands of people available to report issues.

Text communication changes your ‘game’.

Time is saved for staff by eliminating the need to find someone, anyone with a radio just to report an incident or issue.

Not to mention the ease for your guest, as they no longer have to leave their seat to find a staff member to make the report.

Stop dabbling in inefficiencies and start winning as a professional.

Use a web-based incident management system to effectively manage your incident management process.

An incident management system allows your staff to simultaneously enter and update incidents.

Anyone with permissions can see the updates in real time too, which leads to the full awareness we’ve been talking about.

Turn your winning operation up a notch, and integrate mobile applications that ensure your data is never lost due to a poor or nonexistent Wi-Fi connection.

Give your staff a solution that lets them enter data in an offline environment for future upload. Get important information synced as soon as Wi-Fi is available.

You’re winning with peace of mind at this point.

Most important, your staff knows exactly what’s happening when it’s happening, and how to handle it based on your emergency management plan.

Safeguard your operation and keep your guests safe – win!

Winning Operations Remove All Communication Barriers & Bottlenecks

Arming your staff with incident management mobile apps has more benefits than what we mentioned above. 

You can use them to effectively report incidents. Doing so will close any communication gaps you have crippling your operation.

How do you want to execute your incident management process or emergency management plan? What tools do you have in place to do so?

You might have processes in place, but how well can you streamline those processes?

Here’s how. You combine them with technology.

  • Incident management mobile applications for communicating on-the-fly
  • Automation of alerts and notifications so nothing gets missed and everyone knows how to respond to an incident or issue

It also helps with training staff.  Now you have defined processes and tools for your staff to learn.

Goodbye, ambiguity!

Automate information to empower your staff and you’ll see a rapid improvement in communication between all your operational departments.

Breaking down communication barriers and any bottlenecks guarantee everyone is aware of all things happening and possible.

Enhanced communication is what champions are made of.

Accurate & Complete Digital Documentation Is the Only Way to Protect Your Trophies

You never know when you’ll need documentation, but when you do, you better hope you have it all documented and filed somewhere accessible.

And that it’s all legible.

Accurate documentation gives you the best liability protection.

The use of an incident management system will let you eliminate illegible handwritten notes. You replace them with the right information, in a digital format, that you can access at a moment’s notice – like an hour before the appointment with Legal.

Less stress. Less liability. More peace of mind.

Handwritten notes often receive a “not accepted” response in a court of law.

Complete, accurate, and digital records are what’s needed for liability protection.

Here’s why.

Digital records are tracked in these solutions.

Any changes and updates are logged into the incident management software. You know who wrote what, when changes were made to a record, and you can prove it with a detailed record of all interactions with the information.

Even better, your staff can attach and reference documents associated with each incident:

  • Pictures
  • Video
  • Audio Statements
  • Signatures

Having accurate documentation only happens with a solution that allows your staff to record information as they are working the incident.

Operations Use Analysis to Execute Championship Events

How do you think Alabama and Clemson made their way to the College Football Playoff National Championship?

The key one for us is...


We don’t work directly with the coaches, but we’d bet they reviewed each game to see how they can improve during the next one.

Why wouldn’t you do the same?

Data can help you make incremental changes that mean the difference between a mediocre event and a “National Championship” event.

This is how you achieve a championship operation:

  1. Have accurate, reliable, and digital documentation you can review regularly.
  2. Communicate what you learn to your team.
  3. Run tabletop exercises to work out the kinks and tweak your operation with what you’ve learned.
  4. Win more.

Having and using analytics is crucial for any professional operation. Help your team do everything with maximum professionalism and efficiency.

Take advantage of the analytics to improve your processes. Ensure protocols-to-handle are actually executed and nothing gets missed.

Scrutinize your data to improve your staff’s ability to execute and respond to incidents or issues like a slip and fall, active shooter, bomb threat, assault, or difficult guest.

Do all of this to respond better and faster to all things occurring at your property.

Do it to achieve peace of mind.

Do it to win at your next “National Championship” event.

Over to You

Running a large event like the College Football Playoff National Championship is a great responsibility.

Not having the proper practices and solutions in place can result in disaster. However, using the ACDA Principle™ and first-rate software solutions give you the upper hand in your operation.

With this power combination, you can win at your next event. The only question now is, are you ready to win?

So, when will you be implementing the ACDA Principle, text communication, and an incident management system within your operation?

Download our free eBook about text communication software


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