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U.S. Open Increases Security to Boost Counterterrorism Efforts

, | September 1, 2016 | By

“We expect over 700,000 people,” you say to your staff.

You’re running this year’s tennis U.S. Open at Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, NY – and you’re expecting a sizable attendance.

Everyone is excited about this event. But, with the terrifying events that have occurred around the world over the last 12 months, everyone is preparing for the unexpected.

“If there’s a place to anticipate an attempted terrorist or mass casualty attack, it’s during this tournament,” you explain to all of your staff.

It’s OK, though, you’re ready for this event.

You’ve employed well-trained staff to constantly interact with guests and make your team’s presence known.

NYPD enlisted more highly-trained security for additional perimeter support and counterterrorism efforts.

“We’ve covered all basis,” you continue. “We’ve increased training and security standards,” you add.

There’s no question; you’re equipped to counter a calamity, you’re ready to engage, you’re ready for potential threats.

Your enhanced security initiatives show this. Your preparation and the time you’ve taken to ensure successful execution is apparent.

But, what if something does occur?

You’ve amassed an army of security assets. So, what’s the most efficient method for managing incidents in an environment of this scale?

Keep reading; we have your solution for incident management, whether you’re running a small venue or the U.S. Open.

NYPD Enhances U.S. Open Security Presence to Deter Terrorist Attempts

The U.S. Open is four days underway and the real excitement hasn’t even begun. As the grand slam tournament continues, each round will intensify.

Emotions will get high, attendance will increase, as will the likelihood of an attempted attack on Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.

According to Scott Elder’s Athletic Business Article entitled NYPD: Expect More Security at U.S. Open, “More NYPD officers and a larger U.S. Open security force are patrolling at the newly renovated Flushing facility with officials citing terrorist attacks in Europe for the added vigilance.”

Elder’s article continues to address that, “The two-week Grand Slam tournament is expected to draw more than 700,000 to the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens. NYPD officers with "heavy weapons," - some in plain clothes, others undercover, will be on patrol, officials said.”

"With the creation of the Critical Response Command, we have a significantly larger counterterrorism footprint at the U.S. Open this year, and we're able to provide much more highly trained and equipped tactical assets for the Open to provide security," – NYPD Deputy Chief Scott Shanley, commanding officer of the Critical Response Command

Elder’s article explains how the increased security presence does come with additional security measures. For example, the security checks to enter the venue are tighter than previous years.

U.S. Open officials have created a list of prohibited items from entering this year’s tournament:

  • Backpacks
  • Hard coolers or like containers
  • Sealed packages of any kind
  • Bottles or cans (glass or metal)
  • Aerosol cans or noisemaking devices
  • Alcohol
  • Video cameras or recording devices
  • Computers or laptops
  • Food (except in limited quantities, or for medical, dietary or infant purposes)
  • Animals (unless a service animal)
  • Flags, banners or signs
  • Laser pointing devices
  • Tennis rackets
  • Drones or other model aircraft
  • "Selfie" sticks or other telescopic devices

Now, this begs the question: what if something does occur? Whether you have an incident as simple as a slip and fall or as severe as a bombing – how do you ensure control?

How do you effectively communicate all incidents, proactively?

We’ve got ten reasons why you need an incident management system for any size scenario.

10 Benefits of Incident Management Systems

It’s a fundamental part of your role to keep guests, staff, and players safe. But, to do that you must develop and facilitate a system that gives everyone peace of mind.

Do you know how you will accomplish this not-so-small feat? You’ll need an incident management system.

It will give you all the capabilities of Proactive Operations while covering each pillar of the ACDA Principle™. You know…awareness, communication, documentation, and analysis.

Your property might be faced with potential threats similar to the U.S. Open or minor incidents that affect small groups of guests. Regardless, you want to be the best and most effective at any level.

Your solution gives the abilities you don’t have currently.

  1. Instant communication
  2. Web-based system
  3. Alerts and notifications
  4. Consistency
  5. Permission-based management
  6. Associated persons database
  7. Reporting and analytics
  8. Easy-to-learn system
  9. Seamless, intuitive system
  10. Scalability

Instant communication

Look for a system that allows incident reporting and status updates to be communicated in many different ways from many different places.

It's imperative that your incident management system (IMS) can send details to staff via text, email and proprietary mobile device.

Maybe a large-scale incident does occur on your property. Let’s say you have several hundred personnel that need to respond. These solutions enable Proactive Operations in any environment.

Web-based system

Eliminating pen & paper from your documenting procedures is imperative. All of your communication, incident details, and related documents can then be accessed at any time.

Clear, concise, and complete reports are essential to the fluid flow of information when it counts most.

Alerts and notifications

Automate the sending of alerts and notifications by incident types.

When a particular incident is reported, a message is sent to the associated need-to-know members of your team.


Set up your protocols to display in your system by incident type, so that your staff knows what to do when an incident occurs.

This consistency is key to enhancing your protocols moving forward along with your ability to respond to incidents faster (and more effective) than before.

Permission-based management

Being able to segment information by permissions allows your staff to see what they need to see. It’s that simple.

Police handle their incidents. Medical views their incidents. Everyone is in-the-know, but only as they need to be.

Associated persons database

Store and easily access information of individuals previously involved in incidents.

Whether you’re encountering an unruly or valued guest, you’ll be equipped with the right information to make an informed judgment call.

In the case of the U.S. Open, 700,000 people increase your team’s chances of an encounter with a repeat offender or known troublemaker.

Proactive Operations means knowing how to manage everything and everyone on your property.

Reporting and analytics

Your IMS has a robust reporting feature. It gives you the bird’s-eye perspective that you need when doing an analysis. But, it also lets you scrutinize your operation on a granular level.

For example, understand your response times to incidents so that tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year are all improvements from today.

Eliminate hours of spreadsheet prep, get ‘analysis’ done quickly and spend more time doing what you’re trained for – keeping guests safe.

Easy-to-learn system

Having and using a system where your staff is trained to use it is the only way you can create and then maintain order.

Take note: you need a solution provider that helps you complete your implementation and provides your team with ongoing support and training.

Your provider must be unrelenting in their pursuit of assisting your Proactive Operations goals. They must believe their success is only due to your success.

Seamless, intuitive system

Your team shouldn’t need to be tech savvy to set up and manage the system. An intuitive system will allow you to remove your IT department from the implementation process.


The scalability aspect of these systems demonstrates enormous value. Attendance of 500 or 700,000 – there’s nothing your team cannot handle while using this solution.

Scalable systems help you the most by adapting to your needs. A progressive IMS will enable you to grow your system for your needs.

Over to You

We’re sure that we can all agree we hope none of the noted scenarios in Elder’s or our article occur. A seamless, severe incident-free tournament is what we hope for from today through September 11th.

Take your knowledge of incident management systems to your property. Implement a system that lets you boost your security efforts with total control of your environment.

Download our free eBook about incident management software

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