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How Live Maps Can Complement Your Incident Management System

, | November 30, 2021 | By

When tracking incidents going on in your facility, you may be used to viewing them in a Dispatch Queue view, like in our Incident Management System (IMS).

But do you wish you could see a visual picture of where and when these incidents are actually occurring?

You already may use this list view for tracking, but how can you remember which sections are where, per event?

If you’re the type of person that likes to sort their files by icons versus in a list, we have a solution for you: Live Mapping Software!

Live Mapping works seamlessly with the 24/7 Software IMS. It allows you and your team have great situational awareness.

And we can’t wait to show you!

Upload Your Seating Charts Per Event

You’re in the driver’s seat. Yes, we said that right!

Live Mapping allows you to upload your various seating charts per event, or even during times where your facility may undergo a renovation.

No need to dial a third-party company to create this and upload it for you.

We couldn’t make it even easier.

Uploading your own map, over Google Maps, seamlessly allows you to keep track of where your main facility is, along with other areas that could be outside, such as parking lots and tailgating areas.

Level-Up Your Space

Say you have a concert you’re hosting at your venue, a specific convention, a sporting event or even a comic show.

There could be various types of layouts for your facility, and it could be difficult to keep an eye on all of them.

Maps can help you keep organized for any type of event being hosted at your facility.

Keep track of your event on a single page map view, or if your event has multiple floors, you can choose to organize each floor into multiple levels.

Examples of multiple levels could include:

  • Lower Level
  • Upper Level
  • Skybox
  • Sky Lounge

Visualize Basic Incident Details

Need to know how many and what type incidents are going on at one time?

Perhaps you want to see which incidents are open or closed?

Are you analyzing data to track reoccurring patterns between types of incidents happening across particular sections?

Having a visual map view of all of these items would make life so much easier to get to these results, right?

Well now life is easier!

Live Mapping can help enable to your team to work faster and give you a quick glance on types of incidents occurring, such as a security incident happening in section 202, or housekeeping cleaning up a wet spill in section 314.

Easy to use filters, color coding, and pins or icons can help organize this map view even further for your team.

Map pin colors can include:

Red – a closed incident status

Yellow – a dispatched incident status

Green – a team member is on scene to take care of the incident

If you don’t want to use a Google Pin to keep track of your incidents, icons could be the way to go.

Icons can help your team quickly see the types of incidents going on at the facility, so team members can respond accordingly.

Example Incident Icon Types could include:

  • Hammer for Facilities/Maintenance
  • Fire extinguisher for Fire Rescue
  • Handshake for Guest Services
  • Broom for Housekeeping
  • First Aid Kit for Medical
  • Suitcase for Operations
  • Badge for Police
  • Lock for Security

We put the control back in your hands.

Your facility.

Your pin type, your color scheme, how you want to customize it is all up to you and your team.

Need to only see the on-scene incidents?

You can use filters to see only that particular view.

Want to change the dispatch status of a team member that’s about to go on scene?

Switch the status right from Maps, without having to do it from the Dispatch Queue.

Live Mapping, again, puts time back into your hands to work proactively.

Over to You

As you can see, implementing a maps solution to work alongside your Incident Management System can be a huge benefit to your operational process.

Live Mapping is truly a valuable part of the 24/7 Software eco-system.

We’re not sure how we worked without it before, and we don’t want you to have to work without it either! Talk to your team about adding on Live Mapping to your IMS view today!

Download our free eBook about incident management software

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