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4 Causes of Remarkable Customer Service

| February 24, 2015 | By

As we’re preparing for our annual Focus Group, it got us thinking about customer service.

The focus of our event is to continue providing and improving – not only our software solutions – but the overall service delivered to each of our customers.

What better topic to discuss than one about delivering exceptional service to your clients then, right? As a stadium manager, how does your service measure up?

Are you proactively (and regularly) handling guest requests, complaints, and exceeding their expectations throughout the process? Are you still waiting for the complaint calls to come in the next morning in troves rather than boosting your service rating in the moment, when it matters most?

We’ve realized that at some point the money exchange is no longer relevant to the experience that you want to create for your customers. Providing a great experience, exceeding customer expectations and creating memories over and over again…will lead to the money.

How can you provide a lucrative experience for your customers? What leads to remarkable guest services?

We’re going to show you so you can start being remarkable, now.

“Good Service” is no longer enough…

For stadium managers, working diligently to deliver way better than good service during events seems simple, yet sometimes it’s a serious challenge.

We can use Disney as an example. They’re our guiding light so to speak. If you walk down Main Street, a couple things will happen:

  1. You’ll see how well Disney’s service standards are performed by their Cast Members.
  2. You might get a little upset. Why? You’ll realize your team could be delivering a higher quality of service to your guests.

Understanding the moments and memories that take place at your venue we believe will entice you to dig in and role-play with your team to deliver a topnotch service environment.

Today’s your “Focus Group” – let’s help you get focused…on moving from good service to exceptional service. Because frankly, good service just isn’t good enough anymore.

Transforming your Customer Service into Exceptional

Most – if not all – stadium managers know how to deliver a great experience, but you can always do better (#1 reason why we have our annual Focus Group). Striving for better means going from GOOD to GREAT.

So dust off your old guest services handbook, grab your notepad and prepare to create “Wow!” moments for your guests. It’ll cause peace of mind for your entire team.

Class is in session.

Exceeding guest expectations happens when everything comes together. What’s the cause of notable guest services? There’s more to it than you might think and kindness can only get you part of the way.

Check out the 4 causes of remarkable customer service that’ll result in a lifetime of loyalists.

Safety is the starting point for extraordinary service.

  • Practice safe behaviors in everything you do.
  • Take action to always put safety first.
  • Speak up to ensure the safety of others.

Take anything that could potentially harm your guests or staff out of the equation. Don’t leave any opportunities for overlooked wet spills or a below par environment.

You must decide whether projects will require too much time and money leading to safety concerns. Eliminate that possibility before it even becomes one.

Evaluating your time and resources for projects is similar to how we make software development decisions. If it’s not feasible, it doesn’t happen.

Bad business decisions can affect all of your customers. We’re in the business of creating value, and we know you are too.

Be gallant: Your guests will surely notice.

  • Project a positive image and energy.
  • Be courteous and respectful to guests.
  • Go above and beyond to exceed guest expectations.

Your guests pay a lot of money to attend your venue for events. Make it worth their time.

It’s time to cause a positive effect for your guests. Make guest contact a vital function of what you do here. Hold your staff accountable for executing these guidelines with absolute professionalism.

Are you still developing service standards or need progressive ideas? We’ve got you covered.

  1. Make eye contact and smile.
  2. Greet and welcome each and every guest.
  3. Seek out guest contact.
  4. Provide immediate service recovery. Reduce the number of phone calls you receive the morning after an event from unhappy guests.
  5. Always display appropriate body language at all times.
  6. Create lasting memories and preserve the guest experience.
  7. Sincerely thank each and every guest as they leave your venue.

Be attentive: Professionals are always eager to assist.

  • Stay professional and perform your designated role during the event.
  • Ensure your area is tidy and presentable at all times (this includes all staff members).

Guests’ experience is only a portion of the memories you’re helping to create. The environment you and your team maintain adds to the performance. It’s the stuff you don’t see that makes the experience something to remember – or something to forget.

We strive on giving our customers peace of mind. From implementation to ongoing customer support, every step of the way can drastically enhance or damper a customer’s perception of you and your team.

Help your guests achieve peace of mind: Make it so they don’t have to think about wet floors, broken cup holders, candy wrappers, and other messes distracting them from relishing your events.

Efficiency and remarkability are synonymous.

Efficiency is the final product for delivering customer service that becomes remarkable.

  1. Knowing and following all processes and procedures.
  2. Having an awareness of all your surroundings to know of any potential hazards and how to handle them.
  3. Communication amongst your staff and supervisors.

Your team should perform their role efficiently so guests get the most out of their visit. It’s vital to use your time and resources wisely…and with purpose.

Over to You

Your team’s ability to deliver has a lasting impact on all aspects of your operation from incident response all the way to guest services.

Put these four principles into action.

Then, check back to see how your team is doing. You can continuously analyze the customer experience alongside the other areas of your operation.

That’s how you always make your events memorable. Better yet, that’s how you make them remarkable.

Show your guests how much their memories matter to you.

Learn how to exceed guest expectations


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