Blog | 24/7 Software

We’re Thankful for Proactive Operations

Written by 24/7 Software | Nov 28, 2019 12:00:00 PM

It’s been a long but productive year for you.

You’ve stepped it up.

Plans to take your operation to the next level this upcoming year are underway.

You’re pretty busy making the needed changes and improvements.

But, it wasn’t always like this.

Your predecessor did not leave you with much of a legacy to build.

You were forced to start over, which terrified you.

From inefficient processes to high employee turnover, to non-existent technology, you had your work cut out for you.


Everything was your responsibility from the start.

Your team was looking at you to change things around for the better.

You were ready for the challenge because you knew a change was necessary.

But, you weren’t so confident and clear on how to get started.

You spent several weeks researching and reaching out to colleagues that have done it right; the consensus led you to 24/7 Software’s blog.

Here is where you discovered the Proactive Operations methodology.

That’s when the real work started.

Now, you sit at the head of the table, not only at home for today’s feast but for your operation too.

We’re thankful for this.

You’ve earned it.

“Today, we celebrate another year and a mission we’ve accomplished together,” you shout to your team.

“I give thanks to each one of you for your contribution to us becoming a proactive operation,” you continue.

Your team breaks out in cheer.

Today, everyone gets to enjoy the fruits of everyone’s labor.

Enjoy your success.


Now, when you initially read the title to this article, you might’ve thought we were referring to the methodology of Proactive Operations.

You’re half right.

While we’re grateful for the methodology, today, we’re giving thanks to you.

We’re thankful for all of the proactive operations that make up every industry and our customer community.

Not only are we grateful for the world-class operations that make up our customer community, but also our future customers that are planning to be a proactive operation.

And, those that have already achieved it!

We’re thankful because you have entrusted us to be your champion when it comes to employing top-notch software solutions throughout your property’s operation.

It does feel good knowing we can be a part of helping you keep your customers safe and your property running smoothly.

It’s an extraordinary pleasure to work with the best operations in the world. We could not be any more grateful!

We promise to keep the Proactive Operations movement going full steam ahead for years to come.

We also promise to continue perfecting the 24/7 Software proactive operations platform with intense focus.

We’re not letting up, and you shouldn’t either.

Proactive Operations is now and the future.

We’re going to continue doing whatever it takes to help every operation achieve maximum performance.

It’s our promise to you.


Are you just learning about Proactive Operations, or is your operation not quite where you want it to be?

Keep reading; because this section gives a polished starter pack for what you need to know about Proactive Operations before getting started.

Now, since we all tend to feast on Thanksgiving, we’ll keep this section light.

That way, you can get back to family time.

OK, here’s the nitty-gritty of Proactive Operations you need to know before (or after) your Thanksgiving feast:

  1. Proactive means controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
  2. Operation, the singular of operations, means the condition of functioning or being active.

When you put the two words together, you get something we can all be thankful for – Proactive Operations.

Going into your new year, think of it as your new way of thinking, understanding, and executing your property’s operation.

Proactive Operations is where property operations utilize three powers to achieve maximum performance among all personnel.

  1. Strategy
  2. Infrastructure
  3. Technology

Once in place, your effective strategy, newly-developed infrastructure, and optimized technology work as a whole to produce an operational powerhouse.

But, you must institute the methodology in order.


We’ve seen operations employ a piece or a couple of pieces of the puzzle, but the outcome is never the desired one. (You’d never eat your turkey without putting a little gravy on it first, right?)

You need all three, so it makes sense to address your strategy, move onto your infrastructure, and then worry about implementing the best technology in the marketplace.

How does that sound?

Great, this will get you started.

If you decide that you haven’t had enough even after your Thanksgiving festivities – and a full stomach – check out our complete Proactive Operations resource.

We always encourage a proactive mindset, so we never want to stop you from indulging in your education.


Each time we’re asked what we’re thankful for at 24/7 Software, the answer is always “Proactive Operations!”

There’s no other answer for us.

So, thank you, proactive operation, from your friends at 24/7 Software!