Blog | 24/7 Software

4 Steps for Stadium Managers to Achieve Effective Communication

Written by 24/7 Software | Dec 18, 2014 12:45:00 PM

Communication among departments is a challenge for stadium managers leading up to game day.

Chaos ensues as a result of bad communication. It’s stressful and it’s not even game time, yet. You’re feeling the pressure from your team, other department supervisors and your boss.

We can only imagine how the lack of communication is affecting your budget too. Your marketing team has a habit of overselling their sponsorships. For today’s game, they’ve decided to communicate their sponsorship numbers…this morning. Yes, game day morning.

Now you have to dig into your remaining funds to acquire last minute resources to accommodate the oversold sponsorship tickets.

How do you control all of this chaos and miscommunication leading up to your next game day? Next season? How do you improve communication among all of your departments? How do you do this while getting the information you need, on time? Keep reading, we have a solution.

When the issues of poor communication accrue…the effects can be catastrophic. But it’s not too late for you to take control of your venue’s communication challenges. We’d say now is the perfect time to address any issues and take the steps necessary to achieve effective communication across all your departments.

It’s time to push-start new communication initiatives, get the momentum going and prepare to kick up your feet and enjoy the game. What do you say?

Whether the root of your breakdown is conflicts between employees or physical separation of departments, check out our presentation below on the 4 steps for improving communication across departments. Find your breakdown and let us help you achieve the effectiveness you deserve.

Bring in the New Year with effective communication and peace of mind.